Akuyaku Reijou wa Kyou mo Karei ni Anyaku suru Tsuihougo mo oshi no Tame ni Akutou to Shite Shien Shimasu!
Akuyaku Reijou wa Kyou mo Karei ni Anyaku suru / Akuyaku Reijou wa Kyou mo Karei ni Anyaku suru: Tsuihougo mo oshi no Tame ni Akutou to Shite Shien Shimasu! / Akuyaku Reijou wa Kyou mo Karei ni Anyakusuru: Tsuihougo mo Oshi no Tame ni Akutou toshite Shienshimasu! / Becoming the Villainess / Becoming the Villainess: Working Behind the Scenes to Make My Bias Shine / Becoming the Villainess: Working Behind the Scenes to Make My Biases Shine / The Villainess Stans the Heroes: Playing the Antagonist to Support Her Faves! / 恶役千金今天也在暗中华丽的行动着 / 悪役令嬢は今日も華麗に暗躍する / 悪役令嬢は今日も華麗に暗躍する 追放後も推しのために悪党として支援します!